
My first handbag (another design)-----step by step

Happy new year! This is my first work in 2009. This is a free pattern, you can download free pattern by yourself at http://www.amanda-craft.com.tw/
This is another design of my first handbag, it is more beautiful, the projest is made of parchment paper red (pagamano code61586)

This is the side.

You can do the work like the picture. With Multi grid 04 (code 31456), 1-needle and embossing tool large ball. Cut multi grid peforations into croses and slots.

The pttern is pagamano Rub-ons, perforating tool five in circle and Wheel, you can do anything what you want.

Fix aluminum wire.

Fix the side.

inside the bag.

Fix handle.

Fix widget.

Attach Swarovski Crystal on flower heart. finish!